Psalm 27.13-14

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I have finished the book of my previous post.

"David and Zadok were alone once more.
'And now, what shall you do, David? In your youth, you spoke no word against an unworthy king. What shall you do now with an equally unworthy youth?'
'As I said,' replied David, 'these are the time I hate the most, Zadok. Nonetheless, against all reason, I judge my own heart first and rule against its interest. I shall do what I did under Saul. I shall leave the destiny of the Kingdom in God's hands alone..."

Again, if you get the chance to read this little book, do so. It will tenderize your heart for the ways of God...
I am not sure what I am doing now that I left the church I was attending. I do know that it would be wise to not jump into any commitments right now. I must say that I feel very covered by supervisors who are very supportive in my move. I can breath again. Didn't know I had stopped breathing til I left.

I am still actively involved in the Friday Morning Church in the Park for the homeless. I have been visiting the church where my son leads worship and that has been good. I have been invited to hang out there til I know what I am doing. I love how the family of God is everywhere. Even you, my fellow bloggers, have been a great encouragement to me.
Tracy will be having another outreach toward the end of October. She has asked me to help with that and I am looking forward to that.

Thanksgiving we will have a huge dinner for the homeless at the Convention Center. Last year brought 200. We expect more this year. Some of the people I work with have volunteered to help serve dinner.

We need blankets for our Friday morning group. It is getting too cold to sleep without one. We will be distributing them this Friday at the morning service in the Park. So far we have 25. We were hoping for 100. The week is not over yet so there is still time to collect some more.
All in all, things are good. God is moving. Salvation is here. His faithfulness is a solid rock and I am happy to be one of His.


Nate said...

I did not comprehend that the post "Significant Moment" was about the decision to leave your church. This always makes me sad when this happens. I keep hoping that I will one day here that the spiritual freedom that we all desire, is in a church, then I can go there and be part of that fellowship. I know you will find what you seek, normally, God gets you away so that he can talk to you alone without others cluttering his words to you with their views.

faintnot said...

Yes, Nate, it is always sad, but not necessarily bad...I do believe, like you said, that God is getting me in a position where I can hear Him.
I am quite enjoying visiting other churches in my area. I have a heart for this part of my city. It would be nice to find a place to fellowship that had a similar heart. God is faithful, though, and I want to be where ever He places me. I just want to be productive for His Kingdom, you know? Time is running out, age wise and history wise...just can't sit within church walls alone, need to be out there somewhere delivering His message and bringing the Kindom close to others.
How about you, how long since you have had a home church to fellowship in?

AA said...

I am thinking that you didn't actually You are currently operating in his larger congregation which is the world of all who need is so beautiful, like you say, to be able to do his works wherever you see the need, and it looks like you are following his direction, especially since you can see your workplace opening up and experiencing his spirit of compassion and caring and providing for the less fortunate, that they may never have done had you not been is miraculous and beautiful, the gentle awakening of their desire to do good in this world. You my dear are in His church in the most pure way!!! You will find new fellowship, but you need not find a new church, you are the church, maybe a single brick, but a shiny support brick!!! Remember, He d idn't stay in one place and miister to the same people over and over, He walked miles and miles and miles and ministered to everyone he met....BIG my dear beautiful sister...i love adn miss you but am so honoted to know you and I am sure you will find a congregation that shares your vision(given by God) but remember we are all imperfect, and the place where you worship should be just "ENTER TO WORSHIP AND TO SERVE"

faintnot said...

To AA my dear sister,

I love and miss you too...thank you for all your support and encouragement over the years.

Nate said...

It has been a long time for me. I am in the Methodist and Baptist belt. Unyielding and unforgiving those groups. Visited a Presbiterian mega church. But I am learning more now. It is like in business, you have to first be able to do what you teach to others, or they will not be successful. I am being called, and am gathering the skills necessary to accomplish them. but it will happen in God's time.

Happy said...

Hey, faintnot - I think aa has it right - you may have left your local church, but you are still part of the Church. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but you didn't do it in unloving, huffy protest of anything, but simply because you felt led to, yes? My sense is not that you are walking out on the Church, but walking into a new season of life, in which you are, currently, a bit more nomadic than usual. Sounds like you're in line with a long tradition of God's people, and I'm excited for you as you walk this leg of the journey, to see what He will teach you (and all of us through you) and where He will lead you next.

By the way, tag - you're it. (I'd put the link to the post on my blog here, but the html stuff to do that is beyond me at this point.) :)


faintnot said...

Nate, someone once said that God is never early or late. He is always right on is good to be aware of the hand of the Lord as He guides and teaches and molds us into His Image. And it is good to just rest in His care as He accomplishes what He must in and around us..

Happy, you are so right...and I like my new title...'a bit more nomadic than usual'. By the way, thanks for the tag, I will post shortly...

AA, talk to you soon, okay?

AA said...

I really need to use spell check more often, and my quote should have read "enter to worship, EXIT to serve". so even if a church isn't so perfect...worship God and leave to do all the things you are doing,,,in that "nomadic" way of yours. Come to think of it that suits you to a T. Love you always, Hi to all your great blogger friends!!!AA

faintnot said...

I like that, "...enter to worship, exit to serve...". That is right and good.
Im not looking for a perfect church. Who am I to expect anyone to be perfect. I am the least of all when it come to perfection.
I love the adventure I am on. This is the most content time of my life so far.
Hey, I love that my sister is blogging. How about we set you up with your own blogsite?
Come on, you can make lots of neat new friends. There's a bunch out there...
Let me know.

Dena G said...

I'm dealing with my own "significant moment" right now...learning what the "real church" is and what it's not. I spend most of Sunday morning worship time in tears--so grieved that my church has become what it is...and so sad that it's SO far away from what I believe a "real" church is.

I attended a service at an amazing church tonight...just simple and beautiful and loving. It was like water to my soul.

faintnot said...

We will be lifting you up to the Lord, Dena, during this time. It is always so hard to see your church family become less than you know it could be.
Maybe there is still hope....

Thoughts From Jeff said...

I am "rocked" on the great ministry that you are doing. Thanks for caring and loving on individuals.