Psalm 27.13-14

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Horrible art of Javelin Throwing...

I have found the last week or so to be a time of quietness and silence. Two different things, quietness and silence. Quietness is the decision to stop all the inside noise that fights with just being with the Lord. Silence is the decision to not speak but to allow Him to speak. Lately I have been wanting and needing Him to speak so that my every next step will be with purpose, His purpose.

I am in transition. Change is good. Especially when He brings the changes. Discomfort is not a negative, though it is uncomfortable.

A dear man of God suggested I read a small book titled, "A Tale of Three Kings". I know this book. I have read it more than once years ago. I have pulled it out of my collection of books and am re-reading it again. For all of you CLBers out there, I can only suggest, but I suggest with all my heart, that you get a hold of this book and let God speak to you...

If I may, and if you have read my previous posts, you will know, my heart is to do the will of my Father, as it is yours. That being said, I would love to know if it will speak to you as it has and is to me....

If I have been a javelin thrower, and I think I have at times, I ask forgiveness. May God put it in our hearts to never bend down to pick another javelin up again!
And, if javelins are being thrown at me, may I learn how to dodge them with integrity, never letting them keep me from moving forward in the Kingdom...


Nate said...

Sometimes the Javelines are thrown at God request, and hit where they are supposed to. If you feel led to challenge me on anything, please do.

faintnot said...

Hi Nate,
No challenges here. The fact that javelines are thrown is not the emphasis here. It is what I do with them that is...
What kind of 'king' do I want to be like? Which one was after God's heart?
Just wanted to share the book with those who might be blessed by it.
It is good to hear from you, by the way...

Happy said...

Hi, faintnot. I love that book - first read it at a time when I had to be very careful about how I responded to the many, many javelins that were coming my way, and a dear friend recommended it to me as well. He loaned me his copy, which I later returned. I should go get my own sometime soon.

Thank you for drawing that distinction between quietness and silence. I am very good at being silent, but not at being quiet enough to make silence worth the effort some days. And I too need to hear His voice quite clearly over the next few weeks. I'm not in nearly the state of transition you are, but I sense that it's coming - He's been saying so for months - and I want to be already actively listening for next steps before I get to the point where I need to know, so that I'll just know, and not over-analyze and second-guess His voice. What you wrote today reminded me to be quiet and to quit trying to figure it all out. Thank you.

Still praying for you.

faintnot said...

It is so good to hear from you...I ahve been visiting your post on a regular basis lately...
thanks for your prayers. Transition is tough, but it is so so good when it is choreographed by the Lord.
Hey, I am praying for you as well...isn't it amazing how many of us are making such similar decisions in blogworld? Again, I sense His moving us on to what He has purposed for us...It will be exciting to see what comes of all this.

Nate said...

Haven't heard from you in a while. Just checking in to see how you are doing.

faintnot said...

Hi Nate!!!!
I have been quiet, haven't I? But I have been visiting with you and the others on a regular basis. I guess I am as uncomfortable leaving the church as I was staying. Transitions force me to examine all my motives and desires. Re-evaluation time, but I am also enjoying a sense of freedom that has been a long time coming.
All is well and I am very excited to see what God will be doing with me...
Hope all is well with you. Thank you so much for checking in on me. You have become a true friend.

Happy said...

Hi, faintnot! Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you, and have missed hearing your thoughts as well.

I'm sorry the transition's been tough - tho it does seem like those tougher times end up being the times in which we grow the most... still, my thoughts and prayers are with you.