Psalm 27.13-14

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Significant moment...

I've been with Pastor and Eleanor for five years now. When I came to them I was broken, very broken and I didn't work very well. They took me in and let me heal and it has been good.
Being left alone after 22 years of marriage and ministry is very unsettling to say the least. Though my relationship with the Lord was as strong as ever I was shaken to the core and quite at a loss as to how to survive and take care of myself.
They stood by me and I am whole and sane because of their care. It has been great. During my time with them I went back to school, settled into a full time position with the City, and was licensed to minister in the Foursquare Movement.But the sense that a change has been coming has been bugging me. It is one of the reasons that I had to get away for the weekend. I really wanted to be sure that what I was sensing was from the Lord and not because I was tired or frustrated.
The three of us met for dinner tonight and I started to share what I had been thinking about. They weren't surprised. Sometimes, when the Lord is doing something, what should be hard is easy and almost delightful.
I am scared, don't get me wrong. I have no idea what is around the corner but I do sense the rightness of the move. And knowing that they are in agreement with me is ever so comforting.
Time to be a follower of Jesus. Time to trust and look ahead with confidence.
I know they will be okay. They love and serve God like me. It will be an honor to work with them in the future. But me, I have to go now...
Okay, here goes (eek)...


Heather said...

Wow, Faintnot, can't wait to see what this change brings your way. I'll be praying for you.

Nate said...

Let me know how things turn out. My parents settled in to retire in Duluth, Minnesota. Beautiful country, right on lake superior, lots of hils woods, and waterfalls. They had been there for 20 years. They moved this last month. My father is a pastor and he told them to move. They did. It made me very proud to know two people so devoted to God as to make a move like that. Now I know three people like that. Good luck, I will be praying for you.

faintnot said...

Heather, thank you. I can't wait to see what is aroung the bend either.
Nate, thank you, your words mean alot...I am honored.

Happy said...

Wow, faintnot - that's a HUGE decision! No wonder you needed a few days away to be sure... good for you. Can't wait to see where God takes you in this next season. Praying for you.