Psalm 27.13-14

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Let patience have her perfect work...

I am hanging from a limb. This is not the same as hanging by a limb. The latter gives the impression that disaster is eminent. The former suggests that when my arms get tired I will either have to somehow get back into the tree to live or climb down, or, jump...
Either way, change is coming.
While I am hanging I have been visiting many of you. Thank you all for being so open. Shaun has written a complaint psalm that expresses some very real stuff. I wonder how many times I have assumed there was no need to minister to the minister cause he must 'have it all together'. Especially Heather has blown me away with her strength in God as she moves forward in her battle. Watch and see what God has wrought in a woman fighting for her life.
I am honored to be able to be a part of their lives through this blog thing. I am learning about strength of character, compassion, mission, and vision and how to walk in it all with Him and only Him at the lead.
I wonder where I fit...
Friday morning church in the Park has been so good. There are real relationships developing, real conversations going on. That is real church. That is a place I know Jesus would have sat. Those men and women would have followed Him.
Saturday will find me over at Tracy's children's outreach. Looks like I have been assigned to 'face painting' which gives me much opportunity to strike up some conversations about Jesus.
Go visit Shaun and Especially Heather for some different angles. Sometimes when we only spend time with people who see things the way we do we forget that there are others who are in very different places who are struggling to be real in their own venues:)
If I could do church right now...on this Saturday would be with a bunch of people who love to worship with music...sitting around on the floor, being okay with each other, no one trying to show off, just worshipping God together. I miss that, a lot.


Happy said...

Hello, faintnot... Faint not, my friend. You DO fit, in more ways than you know.

This blog thing is a strange beast... people from 11 countries have hit my blog in the past month; someone from L.A. reads it daily and I have no idea who they are... and I have met you. A woman of incredible faith and perspective who teaches me more through what she writes than she may ever know.

Thank you for your encouragement, and your wisdom, and for faithfully following the Lord, and showing by example what that can mean through tough times. You have, in many ways, become one of my spiritual "moms" - and I can't wait to meet you someday - whether in this life, or at His feet in heaven...

I will pray for you this Sunday, that you find a place to worship freely. I'd give a lot to show up somewhere with my guitar and just worship the Lord with a few friends and neighbors, myself. Peace be with you.

faintnot said...

Happy, Your encouraging words were perfectly timed. Thank you. And thank you for being such a wonderful sister! ~Linda

Nate said...

Luckily none of the people that I blog with really think like me. That is why I like to blog with them. They spread my wings. You spread my wings with your insightful questions. by the way, you ask what kind of church I would like, it is on the synchroblog that I have now. but I am glad that the only person you follow now is God. He is the only thing worth following. Keeo us updated on what you do, it is interesting and inspiring to me.

faintnot said...

Yes, Nate, our diversity is so interesting and it really does lend itself to an atmosphere of tolerance and the ability to learn from spread my wings as well...I am constantly challenged to define and redefine what it is I believe and in to you soon