Psalm 27.13-14

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Monday, November 5, 2007


As far as what I think Jesus would do with the church today: I truly believe that He would fan the flame no matter how faint a flicker it seemed to be. He is in the Kingdom business and promised He would in no way cast us off. I do not know a church anywhere that meets all my needs. This is not a complaint. This is a blessing. My needs, my hunger will never be satisfied by the church I choose to go to...whether I choose to worship in a mega church or in a home church with close friends. That is not where my hunger will be satisfied. If I look at Jesus' life and listen to what it was that caused his appetite to be satisfied it was NOT being with the disciples in fellowship, (although that must have been a precious time for all involved). His hunger was satisfied when He talked to the woman at the well. Why? Because He was doing the will of His Father. It wasn't what the Father would do for Him but what He would do for the Father that satisfied Him.

This is crazy...we have it backwards, we still believe that 'the church' is an entity apart from us ...We, the church, the called out ones, are the ones who must live the way God directs us. yes, there are things wrong with the church today. When has there not been. God uses the willing, not the perfect.

So He will not cause the flicker of a flame to go out or the reed to break. He is here to save.
Out there somewhere is a woman or a man waiting by a well not even aware of his or her own need until a word is spoken into their heart. I want to be ready to be the one to speak the word. Don't you?

Remember, we are the church. The church is not them, it is us and if we think we know how a church should be then we should be it, don't you think?
I am responsible for doing the will of the Father. You are responsible for doing the will of the Father. We are the church. He will keep the flame burning with His breath. This church is a living breathing organism and He will keep us alive ... To God be the glory forever and ever, amen!


Nate said...

You surprise me often with your insights. I do what is in my heart at the time, thinking it is what God is putting there. You always have a deliberateness to your actions. I like it. It always gets me thinking in a direction that I woul never have gone to on my own. Thank you for that. Great thoughts.

faintnot said...

As are yours good friend, as are yours...

Heather said...

Just when you thought your meme-ing was done...
