Psalm 27.13-14

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


It is 6:20 am...the morning of the evening when we will be serving our homeless community their Thanksgiving dinner. It is a grand affair at the Convention Center. Many have stepped up to the plate to buy and cook the food needed. Many will be serving. I am blessed beyond measure to be able to be a part of this.

Friday morning at the Church-in-the-Park service one of the gentlemen gave his heart to the Lord. There was such joy and celebration, hootin' and a hollerin' from everyone there. It was a good morning...

I have been asked to be a part of another event at one of the lower income apartment complexes here. That will be on December 1st. Dinner and gifts for the children. I have not been over there yet but I have a feeling the Lord is ready to move... (pray: we need toys for the children...)

December 18th we will have Christmas at our Friday morning gathering. We are gathering the funds to buy backpacks for our group. We will fill them with some necessary items such as: socks, underwear, beanies, gloves, deodorant, toothbrushes, soap, a bible, and homemade cookies. I know that this will be a precious time. I can't think of a better way to spend my time.

Oh, by the way, thank you for your prayers, (thank you Nate and Happy). I have met with the pastors of the Church I attended for twenty years. It is the church I "grew up" in (I was saved at the ripe young age of 26). I attended some of their services while I have been church-less along with some of the other churches in the community. They were all awesome. As you know I have been forcing myself to be quiet inside that I would hear the leading of the Lord. I am convinced that this is where He would have me to be and that I will be venturing into new areas, the apartment complex is one of them.

It is worth being quiet to hear His is worth being patient. Nate, you mentioned that I have a deliberateness to what I do. I have never thought about that but you are right, I do. It has been such a remarkable joy to deliberately follow Jesus, to take my cues from Him and walk not according to my own understanding (intellect) but by His leading. To be in His Presence is the safest, most comforting and peaceful place I could ever be. So, I am learning this walk as I go...deliberately doing what I hear Him call me to do.

Gotta go now...pray for us that many will be Born Again today!!!!


Nate said...

Being still and letting God be in charge is cool. It feels good. The peace that comes from following God is very satisfying.

I am glad you are where God wants you.

faintnot said...

me too...

Happy said...

As I read your most recent posts this evening, it made me smile; I knew you would be somewhere doing something amazing, being the hands and feet of Christ today. And as I read, I thought, "wow, God - you've given Linda such an amazing local church to be a part of - and they have parks and houses instead of just a building, how cool is that?" I love hearing how He's leading you, and the things He teaches you as He works through you. And you know what's the coolest? You're still leading worship. You're still leading people into His presence and pointing them to Him. It just looks a little different. I love that. :)

One of the ways you've done that is something you said in this post: "It is worth being quiet to hear His is worth being patient." Thank you so much for the reminder - it led me into worship for a moment, remembering that truth, and the God who so patiently waits for us to wait on Him. :) All day today, I have felt the Spirit tugging at my heart, calling me to come away and be quiet. I am going now. I'll let you know, when I know, the whys of that - but in the meantime, thank you for leading by example, and for allowing us a glimpse into what He's doing in your life.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ rest with you this day and always, my sister, who is fainting not.
