As I sit here at the table waiting for the coffee to brew I can smell the rain in the air. It is gray today, and wet, and I am home this morning, and that is good.
Just a few minutes ago I was lying in bed talking to my Lord. We were going over the things I have found to be profound in my life this past year. We were discussing what I am thankful to Him for.
Just a few minutes ago I was lying in bed talking to my Lord. We were going over the things I have found to be profound in my life this past year. We were discussing what I am thankful to Him for.
I am thankful th
at He is the first voice I hear most mornings and the last I hear at night. I am thankful for the grace He allows me to walk in, not only for myself but through me for others.
And not only grace but mercy and compassion. I am thankful for this new heart of mine that break easily for others now; for a sound mind which is so much easier to live with than the old one.
I love breathing, I love taking in cold, crisp, autumn air. I love letting it go. I thank Him for air and lungs and clear, crisp mornings.
I thank Him for my family. What an honor to be able to see them grow and change and continue to always love me and God; and for the body of Christ that He has placed me in, and pastors I can call friends, a safe place, comfortable when I am with them and they celebrate with me when I go out to the places You send me. They love what God is doing and are happy to let me go. I love coming back though.
I thank Him for teaching me to value the relationships that have come my way this year.
Thank you, Lord. Because of Your Presence in this life of mine I am safe, and calm, and comfortable with who I am (isn't that a miracle in itself, Lord?) and thank You, Lord, my God for being my confidant and allowing me to be one of Yours.
It has been an honor to serve You. I am amazed. I am more than okay. Thank You!