Psalm 27.13-14

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Monday, April 28, 2008

For those who glory in their doubting...

If I could tell you anything that I thought would be significant it would be are wasting time trying to intellectualize God...the Bible tells the Truth. We do worship Jesus and it is right, there is sin and it has definition and it separates us from the Father. There is a hell and it is horrible, it was never meant for humans but we choose to travel there. God of the Old Testament is the God of the New. The Law is good , Grace is better, but we live by both. Now the Law is written in our hearts and we don't try to do it, we become it lived out in the world where it wll mean something...others are watching us...they want to know if this Jesus stuff is real...we have turned Him into a laughingstock as we 'ponder' and 'suppose' and 'discuss logically' the pros and cons of believing in Him...this is not honest, it is not righteous.

There is no denying that Jesus made claims that stood the hair of the Political and the Religious community on end...He made claims that bring us to the conclusion He is either God or mad. There is no middle ground.
And if the God we serve is so small as to allow His word to be corrupted then we do not serve the Living God for He has kept His Word. The Bible is the most backed up reliable source of any text in the world and men still wonder at it's stability.

I love Him. I love that He is not affected by the conversations I have been reading lately. I love that His Purpose and Plan for this world will come to pass in spite of our foolishness.

Time is short, I grow weary with the ones who have stepped away from 'the church' and have turned into the very thing they hate.

But I cannot stop reading their posts, for I love them you see, and there are others that I have grown so fond of...and I pray they give in to Him, and serve Him alone, and come to know the Jesus that I know...Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Savior, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Shepherd, Lamb of God, Bread of Life, The Word, the Light of the world, the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit, the Soon and Coming King, the Healer, the Alpha and the Omega, Beginning and the End, my God and Savior, my Comforter, my Master...
I love You, Lord...


Michael said...

He alone is God. We are the servants called to be obiedient to Him. After all, He sent His only Son to Save us, right?

Michael <>< <>< <><

faintnot said...

Yes, that is right...
Good to meet you, Michael. Good to meet another fellow servant.
God Bless you as well

Anonymous said...

I have just given you an award :-)

See this post for details.