Psalm 27.13-14

I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Call

I am not sure what it is exactly that I am called to be doing...I do not know the particulars. But over and over again I hear the call to be under gazebos, out in parks, in the sun and the rain. Have you heard it as well?
Last night, during a worship service, when thinking about what the call is on our lives I saw it. I saw the gazebo where church is on Friday mornings and I saw the look on the faces of the homeless ones when they were being caught up in the air to meet Jesus. They had looks on their faces that expressed joy and wonder at the realization that they were okay, that their wildest hopes of being accepted by God were true. What joy and wonder on those crusty, wrinkled faces. I was filled, truly filled to the brim as I stood in the pew. My heart is out there, somewhere under a gazebo.
Oh to be in His Presence as I walk this earth. O to do what He calls us to. O to just be in the realest of realities, living life in the Kingdom, under the authority of the King, reaching the lost, speaking truth into their lives and establishing a good hope in them and in me.


Nate said...

My Great Grandfather was a traveling Methodist Minister. Your stories remind me of that. Your calling seems to be the unifying wonderer. (do not let me define your role) But that is what is seems like to me. To always be in the background, but making big connections happen. Only because you will listen to God, is He able to use you in this way.

faintnot said...

Sometimes I sense what the Lord is about to do...a sense of His big picture. And I know I am supposed to be pursuing something but it is just past my understanding.
Pray for me, that I learn to hear what I am to say, His words not mine; and do what I see Him do.

Nate said...

I don't think he wants you to know. I think you will go on wondering what effect you had or will have. When in the kingdom, it will be revealed what happened, and you we be shocked.

Happy said...

Hello, my friend - I was re-reading a few of your posts tonight, and just thinking... I love it that your heart is out there in the parks and gazebos. I think Jesus is out there too.

I think I disagree with Nate on this one... well, a bit anyway. I think there are at least a few things God does want you to know, and I am praying for you that you will find the clarity you need, and know the steps to take. I'm in need of that myself, and I'll email you soon and fill you in on more of the details of that. Know that I am praying for you, tho, my dear sister. He has brought you to mind often over the past few weeks.


faintnot said...

Yes Happy, I agree...
I believe we can know and that we must know what He is calling us to do for Him.
I guess our pursuit is a right one...Jesus so many times stated that He only did what He saw the Father do and say what He heard the Father tell Him to say.

I think that is why He could heal with a word. No loud struggling in prayer, no wrestling match with an enemy. He heard, he moved, and it was as it should be.

I want to know Him that way...that my time with Him would be a time where He showed me this person or that, and told me the words that would heal or deliver or bring to salvation so that each encounter with another would yield a harvest...
Thanks, Hap, for being there and understanding the quest and the longing...
Good to have you as a traveling companion!