A month has passed since my last post...and along the way there were quite a few things I wanted to share. But as with most thoughts, if I wait too long they seem to go there own way to somewhere I do not know
I can tell you that there is something new everyday in the Kingdom that I get to witness. Some of it is just for me, stuff that takes me closer to Him. I have come to love those private little sessions with God that happen for no apparent reason. Life is happening and then, all of a sudden, there He is, showing me something, whispering which way to go.
About mid December my friend Rosie and her husband decorated the church for Christmas. I was at HV for our big Christmas event with the kids there. There were some Christmas trees and then, right behind the trees, was a big cross. It stood taller than the trees. I liked it. I liked being reminded that the reason He was born was to die. I like when life gets put back into perspective for me.
Christmas eve morn I was reading the Word according to the schedule I am on. It is kind of great, this devo time, and I have just completed my first year being faithful to a reading plan. It has really forced me to look at parts of the Word that I probably wouldn't have selected myself. Anyway, I digress. Christmas eve morn it dawned on me that I was at the end of the gospel of John. There it was, that cross again, right in the middle of Christmas. I do not think that I was ever more aware of His end at His beginning as I had become this year.
He was born to die, willingly, for me, for more than me. For more than you. It is a huge picture and I just get glimpses of how very big it is once in a while.
We serve a great God.
Heather, she was a homeless one and used to come and eat at Friday-morning-church-in-the-Park. She has a young baby. They would come and sometimes I would get to help her carry her plates because she was carrying her baby. At the Christmas event at HV I just happened to see her there. She gave me a big hug, she didn't know I did stuff over there. We were both surprised to see each other there. She just got housing there. She isn't homeless anymore.
Kelly is another happy story. Kelly has been with us for over a year now. He is homeless. He comes for lunch and service and is, for the most part, a loner. His foot was terribly infected this past summer and he wouldn't get the help he needed because he knew if they operated on his foot he wouldn't be able to survive out in the desert not being able to get around to get food and shade. So we prayed with him. We prayed for the Lord to heal his foot and for there to be away for him to get the help he needs without being stranded. Just recently he told us that the prayer worked. Not only was his foot getting better but there was a place on the other side of town that would fix his foot, get his diabetes under control, and give him a place to stay till they got his health back . He was so grateful. He smiled! Kelly doesn't smile. He did that day. And he knew it was the Lord who did it. I am so glad he told us all about it. Like Heather, Kelly is family and we really do need to know that God is moving in there lives, on their behalf. That what we are doing is what He would have us do.
When I started blogging I did not know where God was leading me, but I knew I was facing big changes. You all in blog land were so very encouraging. I know that getting all my thoughts down outside of me and your input along the way has enriched my life.
I am looking forward to this coming year and what God will be doing in us and through us. It will be a good year, a big year, with purpose and potential. We have this awesome opportunity to get out there and be the church we want the church to be. May our hands be filled with His Purpose in all we do.
Thanks again for being apart of my world this past year and allowing me to be apart of yours.